NGS Games Upload Endpoint

This endpoint is used for uploading NGS replays to Heroes Profile. Only approved accounts may use this endpoint. The following attributes are returned.

  "url": "url",
  "Team 1": {
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>"
  "Team 2": {
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>",
    "player Profile": "<player>"

Example Usage

{warning} All API calls require an api_token as part of the query string and are prefixed by

Method URI Headers
POST NGS/Games/Upload/ Default
GET NGS/Games/Upload/ Default

Data Parameters (required)

  mode: dev or prod.  dev for development and prod for production.

  season: NGS season the replay was played in.

  replay_url: AWS, public S3 storage location url for replay.

  round: which NGS round.

  game: Of the round (set) which game.  So if a set went to 3 games. 1, 2, or 3rd game of the set.

  team_one_name: Team name for the first team.

  team_one_player: Battletag for a player in the game for Team one.

  team_one_map_ban_1: Full map name for Team one's first map ban

  team_one_map_ban_2: Full map name for Team one's second map ban

  team_one_image_url: Team one's icon

  team_two_name: Team name for the first team.

  team_two_player: Battletag for a player in the game for Team two.

  team_two_map_ban_1: Full map name for Team two's first map ban

  team_two_map_ban_2: Full map name for Team two's second map ban

  team_two_image_url: Team two's icon

Data Parameters (optional)

  tournament:  What tournament the games is a part of

  team_one_division: NGS team one division for the replay.

  team_two_division: NGS team one division for the replay.

Error/Replay Issue Returns

If a replay fails to upload:  String Returned:  "Replay did not save, unknown issue"
If a replay does not contain a player passed as a parameter:  String Returned:  "Invalid parameter. A player provided was not in the game"
If a replay is not game mode Custom:  String Returned:  "Game mode is not custom.  Invalid replay sent"

Example Return

  "url": "",
  "Team Training Wheels": {
    "chaoticorder#1455 Profile": "",
    "DoomElite#1999 Profile": "",
    "WhoDoYoThink#1394 Profile": "",
    "Riokaii#1935 Profile": "",
    "Fade#12545 Profile": ""
  "RewinD": {
    "Confused#1902 Profile": "",
    "TACOCAT#11328 Profile": "",
    "LiLKillrPwny#11514 Profile": "",
    "Zemill#1940 Profile": "",
    "LFTporkcchop#1392 Profile": ""